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Entrepreneur Insight

8 Ways Your Business Can Stand Out on Social Media in a Pandemic

March 11, 2021
Top tips on how companies can up their social media game and stand out in a pandemic. (Photo credit): Sirinuntagate/EyeEm

Mobile Monkey founder Larry Kim shares his tips on how to rise above the noise with engaging social media tactics.

Now more than ever, businesses need to step up their social media game in order to stand out in a pandemic. Brands are constantly competing for attention on social media, and with all the noise and incessant messaging, how can you make your voice heard?

Here, I'm revealing a few of my favorite social media marketing tactics that have helped me grow my businesses and stand out on social amidst crisis.

1. Plan a content strategy and create an editorial calendar for your social channels

Marketers are sometimes at a loss about what to post on social media. Successful social media marketing doesn't happen by accident—there's a strategy in place, just as there is with a blog. Look at the big picture and come up with social content that will resonate with your audience.

Map out seasonal content, as well as content related to events or launches your company is planning. Work closely with your editorial and marketing teams to know what's coming down the pipeline, and strategize the best ways to promote it.

2. Invest in the right social channels

It's not just about what social content you share—it's also about where you share it. Not all social platforms are created equally, and where one business gets amazing engagement, another might fall flat.

B2Bs (business-to-business companies) might do very well on LinkedIn, but not so hot on Instagram. Meanwhile, B2Cs (business-to-consumer) usually thrive on Instagram. For example, restaurants do well on Facebook. They equip themselves with different Facebook strategies such as utilizing Facebook ads and installing chatbots for Facebook messenger marketing. It’s all about finding the platform that aligns with your audience.

3. Dive into new social platforms headfirst

Another unicorn social tactic? Find the latest and greatest platform, and dive in—before your competition.

One prime example? Facebook Messenger. The open rates on Facebook Messenger are sky high (80% on average). There are 300 million active monthly Messenger users, and you can communicate with them straight through Messenger in an engaging format that they prefer! Whether you want to create customer service bots, bots that can schedule appointments, or bots to deliver key content, you can do it all on Facebook Messenger. Since it's relatively new, there's little competition—which gives you a prime opportunity to get in and get ahead.

4. Always add visuals

Whether it's video or static images, visuals always up the engagement on your social content. Hire a photographer to create a library of images for your brand to use, and/or invest in a high-quality stock photography site—the kind that has images that don't actually look like a stock image.

On a budget? Comb through a license-free site like Pixabay or for visual content that won't cost you a dime.

5. Create a consistent aesthetic for your social content

Creating a consistent visual theme with your accounts helps you establish and grow brand awareness, especially on Instagram. Practically, this means using a consistent color palette and the same filters to come up with a distinct feel and look. This makes your posts look visually appealing to your followers, customers and more—it reflects your brand's image.

6. Know your audience and anticipate their needs

Knowing your audience means you'll know what kind of content they'll find useful and want to engage with. To that end, do as much persona research as you can so that you can thoroughly understand your customers and audience. This will help every aspect of your marketing, including your social media marketing.

7. Pay attention to your social media analytics

In addition to doing persona research, always look to your analytics to find out what's working with your audience and what isn't.

Based on that data, you can move forward and create more content that's in line with what's already working and move away from the social content that isn't cutting it.

8. Create a place where your visitors and customers can add their feedback

Customers often rely on reviews, and they appreciate businesses where they can leave their feedback.

According to Huffington Post, 70% of businesses that give the best customer experience use customer feedback. Encourage feedback on your own social channels, and use it to inform your own service and practices.

This article was originally published on

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