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Id : 138
BranchName : Arcadia
Address1 : 200 E. Duarte Road
Address2 :
City : Arcadia
State : CA
ZipCode : 91006
Country : Southern California
PhoneNumber : (626) 821-4988
Fax : (626) 821-4980
Latitude : 34.130401611328125
Longitude : -118.0250015258789
BranchNo : 20
HasATM : true
CustomerServiceSupervisor : false
AssistantBranchManager : Eric Chiang
BranchManager : Stella Wat
BranchSupervisor :
MortgageLoanOfficer : false
Cantonese : true
English : true
Mandarin : true
Vietnamese : false
Tagalog : false
Spanish : false
Taiwanese : false
TimeZone : Pacific Time (PT)
TeamLead : Kitty Chen
RegionalManager : David Chan
DriveUpATM : 1
Traditional_99 : T
StoreType : Retail
Bank : false
InStore : T
AlertMessage : Branch and ATM will be closed tentatively on May 11, 2024 (Saturday) and May 25. 2024 (Saturday).
AlertMessageStartDate : 2024-05-09
AlertMessageEndDate : 2024-05-27
AlertText :

This branch is closed until tentatively Sunday, February 28, 2021. 

ShowAlerts : 0
PostedDate :
PostedBy :
AlertExpirationDate :
BranchHourId : 141
HourType : Branch Hours
HoursM_Th : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Hours_Fri : 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Hours_Sat : 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Hours_Sun : closed
BranchHourId : 290
HourType : ATM Hours
HoursM_Th : closed
Hours_Fri : closed
Hours_Sat : closed
Hours_Sun : closed